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    The Parc de Sceaux (Sceaux park) is located 6 km due south of Paris in France. However, it's NOT South Park.



    It's a beautiful park of 181 hectares, designed by Le Notre, the famous garden designer of Louis XIV. Parc de Sceaux has survived the centuries without losing its splendor and was eventually acquired by local authorities in 1925-1927. It is now managed by the General Council of Hauts-de-Seine and is located on the territory of two municipalities: Sceaux and Antony.
    I am fortunate to live near the park! I want to share my moods, my photos and some topics that may be of interest.
    Other green areas are of interest nearby. These are the arboretum of Chatenay-Malabry and its neighbor the garden of Chateaubriand. I'll show you some photos...

    Like many people, I appreciate the expressions of interest, praise and even criticism that make me improve
    Please, let me know if my site is interesting.
    I have another blog devoted to vertical shots one can discover through the middle mouse button:
    http://verticales.kazeo.com/ and another on Lézinnes, charming village of the Yonne (Burgundy): http://lezinnes.kazeo.com/

    The Parc de Sceaux (Sceaux park) is located 6 km due south of Paris in France. However, it's NOT South Park.

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